Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Durham passes the half way line

At last the halfway mark is passed in NZ2549, thanks to the first decent catch this year in the moth trap and yesterday tramping around in the damp alder woodland... but it was worth it. There are about a dozen oak trees in the wood, that consists mainly of alder and birch with a very damp ground floor layer and in these oaks I found a singing (and probably breeding) Wood Warbler. This species is getter rarer by the year in the NE and my first in the square since 2002. Well chuffed.

My Wood Warbler, damn that branch

Chrysotoxum arcuatum - A  strictly northern and western hoverfly, locally frequent up north


Actual Expected
Birds   74 70
Vascular Plants   226 395
Mosses & Liverworts  41 50
Lichens   12 12
Fungi & Slime Moulds   10 20
Terrestrial Mammals   6 8
Butterflies   10 20
Moths   54 336
Dragonflies   1 9
Hoverflies   15 25
Other inverts   58 50
Amphibians & Reptiles   1 5
Aggregates & hybrids (not included) 14             
TOTAL 508 1000

So that's past half way and the easier half is done, onward and upward.

NZ2549 Waldridge, VC66 .

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